Trennung Kapital und Staat

This Impulse is only available in English yet.

Inspired by the separation of church and state, we need a separation between capital and the state to ensure politicians serve those who elected them.

In a constitutional democracy, the power comes from the people: through elections, we confer to politicians the right to represent our collective interests. Recurring corruption scandals and shocking accounts of cronyism have shattered our trust in this principle, however: office holders are prone to abuse their power to pursue other interests. Across centuries and national borders, separationism has been a valuable tool in constitutional law to combat this problem: we have separated the judicial, executive, and legislative branch as well as church and state. Only one key oversight occurred: the dangers which lie in the entanglement of the financial class with politics has been largely overlooked.

We propose a constitutionally enshrined separation of capital and state which prevents politicians from falling prey to the interests of corporations and wealthy individuals. Through strict transparency, restrictions on lobbying, and increased involvement of the people in decisions, we want to ensure that those who want to serve the people most become the leaders of our country.

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NAME: Dominik Stelzig
Tel: 73846092
Social Media: @xyz


NAME: Dominik Stelzig
Tel: 73846092
Social Media: @xyz


NAME: Dominik Stelzig
Tel: 73846092
Social Media: @xyz


NAME: Dominik Stelzig
Tel: 73846092
Social Media: @xyz


NAME: Dominik Stelzig
Tel: 73846092
Social Media: @xyz


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